Tuesday, March 27, 2012

car/trailer parking in downtown portland

We will be staying in Portland for four nights in July, at the Riverplace Hotel and the Courtyard Center City. We want to park our car and 19%26#39; trailer somewhere safe and would appreciate any suggestions. We are planning to walk and use public transportation.

car/trailer parking in downtown portland

Portlandmaps dot com will tell you about all the car break-ins for a specific address if you want to play the odds. But I%26#39;d feel pretty safe in parking it between Hawthorne and Division and between about 36th and 20th. Maybe a nice wide street like Harrison around 26th with lots of bike/pedestrian traffic, no apartments (so less shopping cart traffic), and since it%26#39;s a designated bike boulevard there isn%26#39;t much vehicle traffic.

Make sure you have good tags and no damage/flat tires as some will call the abandoned auto hotline immediately.

Alternatively, you could park it in my other neighborhood in Cathedral Park and I%26#39;ll keep an eye on it for ya. You gotta bring me a present from La Mesa, California though.

car/trailer parking in downtown portland

This is a travel trailer? Hmmm, you may need to be careful about neighbourhood restrictions regarding parking of RV%26#39;s. If it%26#39;s an equipment trailer I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;d need to worry, but am not sure.

I%26#39;ll give you the same suggestion I gave another poster with a car - try the airport long-term parking. However, there is a charge for this, about $8/day I think.

From the airport, you can take the light rail system called MAX into town; takes about 35-40 minutes.

half-Brit might be referring to this:

16.20.170 Storing Property on Street Prohibited.

A. No person may store, or permit to be stored, a vehicle or other personal property on public right-of-way or other public property in excess of 24 hours without permission of the City Engineer, the City Traffic Engineer, or the Bureau of Development Services.

But yet I see those ';pod'; things left for weeks on the street.

I have no idea where this is located, but it%26#39;s in the Portland area:


Thanks to all for the information....We have found we can use the airport long term economy lot for $10 a day and so we will leave our trailer there. Looking forward to our visit!

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