Friday, April 27, 2012

Gold Beach jet boats

For those that have been on the Jet boats, how long are you actually on the boat between stops? I am wondering if my bladder will cope!! Is there much more to see if we take the 104 miles rather than the 64 miles trip? And again, how long on the boat between stops for each trip. I guess it seems a bit of a silly question but it is pretty important to me!


Gold Beach jet boats

Figure about 2 hrs between pit stops.

The 104-mile trip includes the upper rapids; shorter trip covers the lower Rogue. More excitement above, more nature and wildlife sightings below. Luncheon options are around Agness. Menues for various places posted in ticket office. And you can email them with specific questions (see above webpage). My wife had similar questions and she did fine.

Gold Beach jet boats

Hey I understand. We only did Gold Beach to Agness and back, and I did fine, but hold off on the morning coffee or other drinks, Can%26#39;t remember for sure but we were on boat a bit under 2 hours I think each way.

I did not do 2 hour kayak trip with family on Beaver Creek near Newport for that reason. But I would do jet bat trip.

We only did the 64 mile trip to Agness. It was a very memorable experience being on the Rogue. Looking back I still think we should have done the full trip to go on the rapids.

I%26#39;ve done the 64 and 104 mile trip- I really enjoyed the longer one-because there are more rapids, etc-and you get up farther in to the canyon. But I enjoy boat rides. I dont remember how long the stops were between trips, but I dont remember having a problem with it being too long.

Thanks for those obsservations folk. I will give it some more thought and decide just before we leave so that I can book the trip.

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