We%26#39;ll be heading to the coast this next weekend and need some ideas on some interesting sights and decent restaurants (nothing fancy, just fish and chips kinda places). We are more interested in the natural wonders than museums and shopping. We%26#39;ll be sans kiddos so no need for the Aquarium or Sea Lion Caves. We aren%26#39;t newbies to the coast but this will be the first time exploring without kids. I was considering Smelt sands by Yachats. Any recommendations?
Oregon Coast Day Trip
Where on the coast are you thinking of visiting? Just Yachats? Staying overnight?
Oregon Coast Day Trip
No, we won%26#39;t be staying the night and no definite plans just needing ideas on where to stop.
Well there are the elk along Hwy 138 just inland from Reedsport. Winchester Bay has the dunes that stretch up to Florence. There is a very good fish-n-chip place in Winchester Bay, a floating restaurant at the marina, called Unger%26#39;s. Gardiner is a historic little town and there are come cool statues. On toward Florence there are a lot of small lakes that are picturesque. The drive out to the south jetty at Florence is nice, and of course Heceta Head lighthouse north of town. Cape Perpetua is very pretty, and a nice drive up to the top. Check out the old observation station. Take the scenic drives in Yachats; one is south of the river, one is north. There is a blowhole just south of the Shamrock Lodgettes if the tide is high. Don%26#39;t miss Devils Churn. There is a covered bridge about 9 miles inland at Yachats.
Have a good outing :-)
Not that I disagree with any of half-Brit%26#39;s suggestions, but, just to add to your choices (confusion?)....
You could easily make a day out of visiting sights along the coast west of Coos Bay. Sunset Bay, Shore Acres, and Cape Arago all have beautiful, dramatic scenery, plus the bonus of those incredible botannical gardens. The small town of Charleston is worth an hour or two as well.
We just returned, RT, Seattle to Florence, over three days. Stayed at the Fireside. Saw Gray Whales off Cape Perpetua and the beach drive near the Shamrock motel, Yachats. Also, the Brandt%26#39;s Comorants, on the higher rocks, males in the breeding blue necked plumage, many Harbor Seals resting on the rocks at low tides, as well as on inlet beaches up and down the coast.
I vote your day trip to Cape Perpetua, including the drive, if not the hike, to the overlook.
Luna Sea Food, Yachats, across from the Drift Inn (also a good restaurant0%26gt;
Forgot to say, as noted above, that the Elk are out in large numbers...
... in large numbers along 101 as well. Sea Lions abundant just north of, at the pullout, Sea Lion Caves.
Did you see elk along 101, voyaging?
Thanks for all the info everyone! And it appears we will have fairly decent weather too!
Elk sighted near Bay City and elsewhere, perhaps between Florence and Yachats. Don%26#39;t remember, it was a blur...
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