Friday, April 27, 2012


For our trip in June, down the coast, thru the redwoods, up thru Crater Lake and Bend to Hood river and up to Mt St Helens, what sort of wildlife are we likely to see? Anything we should be looking out for? Best times of day to see any wildllife?



This website will give you the tide tables for various places along the Oregon coast. Low tides, especially minus tides, are the best times to explore tidepools, where you%26#39;ll find all sorts of marine life...anemone, starfish, crabs, small fish, etc. There are various places where you can see seals, sea lions and even whales sometimes. You can usually find the elk herd at Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area on Hwy 38, just inland from Reedsport. I%26#39;ve never seen elk at an ';Elk Xing'; sign, however.

There are bears and cougars in the forests between the coast hwy and the dunes, but you%26#39;re unlikely to encounter them (and that%26#39;s a good thing). Lots of maritime fowl and just inland osprey, owls, woodpeckers and, if you%26#39;re lucky, eagles. And you can always run into (oops, bad choice of words) deer just about anywhere.


%26gt;%26gt; There are bears and cougars %26lt;%26lt; but no lions and tigers, oh my!

Seriously, you%26#39;ll see deer everywhere, and do be alert around dusk because many of them do not have enough sense to stay out of the traffic.

Slightly inland you%26#39;ll see hawks, ravens, turkey buzzards, great blue herons, egrets and of course Canada geese.

You may see raccoons, possum, and maybe skunks just about anywhere.

Lots of elk in the elk preserves (!), but also keep a look out around dusk if you are in an area with nice pasture. They jump fences and will often be in the same pasture with cattle and horses.

Dusk and dawn are the best times to see larger wildlife.

You could see elk near the Forest Learning Center or Hofstadt Bluffs on the road to Mt. St. Helens. Also down on the southern OR or northern CA coast there is a large herd of Roosevelt elk. Help me out here gang, I know I%26#39;ve seen them down there someplace, but don%26#39;t remember exactly where.

Sea lions are plentiful on the docks at Newport and Astoria. Lots of squirrels, perhaps raccoons, maybe oppossum (but they are usually roadkill).

Watch for hawks and eagles along the Columbia River.

And, of course, the deer are everywhere--especially in my yard eating my tulips! :-(

Kitters, at least the tulip-eating deer aren%26#39;t knocking over your pasture fences like the elk do to ours! We have this one lazy old cow who either can%26#39;t or won%26#39;t jump, so she sort of steps over the wires, and sometimes the wires break, grrr.

Do you mean the elk down near Prairie Creek in CA? That%26#39;s north of Orick, south of Klamath.

Oh, forgot the sea lions and harbour seals. Waldport is a good place to see the seals at low tide on the west side of the bridge.

Also we have brown pelicans in some of the bays, I know Newport and Brookings each have pelicans. And whales offshore, of course.

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