My wife %26amp; I are hoping to take our 1st trip to the Pacific northwest this year. We found a really nice looking log house rental in Sisters, at a nice price. It%26#39;s available in either late August or late Sept. Which time do you think would be better? I realize crowds(?) would be less in Sept.,but what about weather? Will be doing lots of day hikes, fishing, %26amp; just touring the surrounding area. Is Sisters a good base for us? We don%26#39;t mind having to drive a bit to get to different areas, as I assume the scenery would make it interesting. Don%26#39;t need much nightlife as we%26#39;re in our early 50%26#39;s, but would probably take a couple trips into Bend for dinner. Any %26amp; all opinions or suggestions are appreciated!
Newbie looking for opinions
Yes, Sisters would be a good base, but if the place you%26#39;re considering isn%26#39;t within walking distance of the downtown, I think you might feel a bit isolated. Unless it%26#39;s a cabin-in-the-woods kind of experience you%26#39;re looking for.
Have you looked at Black Butte Ranch: ? We%26#39;ve been going there for decades. Can have that same cabin-in-the-woods kind of experience, but with the security, comfort, and luxury of the Resort%26#39;s amenities.
Or, Metolius River Resort: . Beautiful area, and you wouldn%26#39;t necessarily have to drive for hiking and/or fishing.
Since it%26#39;s your first trip to the PNW, I have to ask if you%26#39;re planning any time for Oregon%26#39;s coast. Because you really should.
Newbie looking for opinions
Mistletoe, thanks for your response. Yes, cabin-in-the-woods is our preference as we are not big fans of resorts. We live in a fairly rural area, so we%26#39;re used to having to drive a bit to get to town. As for visiting the shore, we%26#39;re still trying to figure out a budget for the trip, which will determine the length of our stay. Most of our recent trips have been to beach areas, so this time we%26#39;re focusing on mountains/lakes. But I agree that we really should try to fit in the shore if possible. Any opinion on Aug. or Sept.?
Sorry... overlooked the weather question.
Sisters can get toasty warm in August; does the log house have A/C? Little to no humidity though. On the other hand, night-time temps in late September will be chilly; probably close to freezing. Days are noticably shorter too. Take your pick! ;-)
You%26#39;re right about the crowds. Sisters is typically a zoo all summer long. But it appears you%26#39;ll be able to pick and choose when to fight them. September shouldn%26#39;t be a problem, except maybe on the weekends.
Put Tam McArthur Rim and Canyon Creek Meadows on your list of possible hikes, and consider the Metolius River for fishing. If you%26#39;re a fly-fisherman, you%26#39;ll want to stop by the General Store in Camp Sherman. Heck, you%26#39;ll want to stop by there in any case.
A ';zoo';, perhaps, but not like the east coast. :)
The OR coast is spectacular, nothing like the east coast - coast.
I assume you have checked out the Bend region; lots to see, do and hike.
Oregon, Central
Oregon Coast
Sisters would be a good base if you are planning mountains and lakes. However, if you have never been to the the Oregon Coast, it really is a %26#39;must see%26#39;. #1 in the U.S. (that includes Hawaii and Alaska) IMO. Maine comes in second.
FYI, out here in the west we go to the beach or the coast. If you ask someone about going to the shore you are likely to get a blank look. :-)
I think you will really like the area around Sisters and Bend though, lots of snow capped peaks and clear mountain lakes.
Have you been to the west coast, ocean side. we have been to the east coast from florida to Maine. Only thing that comes close to oreg coast is Maine and it is poor third Cal Big Sur coast is 2nd.
Though also agree mtns near Sisters may be better than Adirondacks, though they are quite nice too. but not as recent volcanic.
Thanks to all for your great input. I%26#39;m sure I%26#39;ll have a lot more questions in the future.
I don%26#39;t have anything to add except that I agree with the other posters, lol.
phirl--We had a log home at the base of the Adirondacks for a couple years. Loved it!!! Reminded us so much of here.
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