Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Camping on Oregon Coast in September

I%26#39;m planning a trip down the Oregon/California Coast leaving the second week of September and am planning on camping along the way. Do I need to make reservations? I%26#39;d rather not because I want to be free to stop wherever but don%26#39;t want to have to worry about finding a camping spot for the night.

Any suggestions?

Camping on Oregon Coast in September

The State Parks will still be busy, but you can probably find a spot during the week without reservations.

Are you talking about tent camping, or with some form of RV? There are some private parks that accept tents if the SP%26#39;s are full.

Once you get south of SF, you may have more difficulty finding vacancies in CA SP%26#39;s.

Camping on Oregon Coast in September

I%26#39;m planning on tenting. Are there a lot more tenting sites than RV/Trailer sites? So weekends and in California I should probably make a reservation?

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