Monday, April 16, 2012

';Frugal Portland'; - NYimes


I hope you all enjoy this... travelers and locals alike. It was fun for me, being a previous local...and hopefully , in the not too distant future, a visitor again ..

';Frugal Portland'; - NYimes

The writer did a pretty good job of explaining the ';feel'; of Portland. Definitely wrong on Adidas though, lol. And the tram...well, that%26#39;s another issue in itself;) But it was a nice writeup on the city,IMO.

';Frugal Portland'; - NYimes

LOL, I know, regarding the Tram. I guess with times being harder than others, a hospital tram is just another way to get some tourist revenue. I still find it distatesful but there are all kinds of tastes out there.

I liked reading about the food carts. . Portland is a wonderful city for exploring on foot.. without shopping or paying for anything, it is a great city for just wandering. We were lucky to live in an area where wandering was always interesting and safe..

I guess that NYT Portland backlash didn%26#39;t last very long; They%26#39;re back to loving us again. I like how Millstone offered the reporter his cabin. I once loaned my car to some carless tourists I met at Ladd%26#39;s Inn for a day so they could see Hood River.

Overall I liked the article and I think he did do a good job of describing ';the feel of Portland';.

Sorry for the typo , I just noticed it ... although the NYImes is probably a good newspaper too :D

That was so trusting of you oregone !!

My son took the Amtrak from Seattle where he was visiting for a few days last summer, to Portland for a few days .. he really enjoyed being there in warmer weather vs when he visited us in December. We had hoped he would like it enough to want to live there... but noooo... the call of NYC was too strong.

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