Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clackamas River

Has anyone done the white water rafting on this river? There aren%26#39;t any reviews on TA, so I was wondering what it might be like. Also, is this the best place to go for this type of water sport. We aren%26#39;t especially physically fit, so I don%26#39;t want to go all ';Rambo,'; we%26#39;re just looking for some fun. Thanks!

Clackamas River

Two kayakers had to be rescued from Milo McIver Park day before yesterday, but that%26#39;s a little upriver from my experience. If you%26#39;re just looking for a day trip, then put in around Barton Park and land just past Carver. It%26#39;s completely mellow save a few rough spots right at the beginning. There are tons of spots in between to enjoy a beer or a smoke. Past Carver it gets even more mellow if you%26#39;re thinking of going all the way to Clackamette Park in Oregon City. It%26#39;s class 2 on a heavy day.

Clackamas River

Thanks, sounds like this will be a good fit.

oregone--My DH and DS were there...they saw the kayak, but apparently 911 had already been called because then they saw all the emergency vehicles arrive. They also saw a couple other guys in the water, but holding a kayak...wonder if it was their own kayak or the guys that needed rescuing...

Last summer my friend fell in the Willamette during a kayaking trip near Eugene, and all I could think about was, ';Save that kayak!';

I tried checking out the Barton River %26amp; apparently it%26#39;s a do it yourself-er. We need to rent all our gear, raft included, so I think the Clackamas River 1/2 day is our best bet. Anyone know how far from Portland this is? I%26#39;ve never done any whitewater rafting before, and am a little confused as to the ';getting on %26amp; getting off'; stuff. Isn%26#39;t there just one destination for the beginning, ya know, where EVERYONE gets in their rafts %26amp; begin TOGETHER. THANKS!

I think you%26#39;re looking for an actual outfitter company that takes care of everything including driving you back to your car after you land. I couldn%26#39;t find anyone that does this on the lower Clackamas (Barton, Carver, etc.), but I did find a company that offers a half-day trip on the Upper Clackamas starting at Memaloose, which is 45-60 minutes from Portland.


The half-day trip is only $50/person, which seems like a pretty good deal.

Oregone you are awesome!!! Thank you so much for this website link, it is EXACTLY what we are looking for.

Here is another option for you. www.blueskyrafting.com We have a gift certificate for this company, but haven%26#39;t used it yet so can%26#39;t comment too much. DH%26#39;s company gave it to all the employees as someone there has used them and really enjoyed it. DH has heard good things from people, for what that is worth:) Anyway, it gives you something else to consider.

Thanks mtngirl, I actually found Bluesky via Google and we are going to check out both. They appear equally good. I think I%26#39;ll post a Riverdrifters vs Bluesky post, hopefully I%26#39;ll get some feedback as to which may be better. Again, thank you all for your help, it%26#39;s greatly appreciated :o)

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