Tuesday, April 24, 2012

max transit center near Fairfield Inn on North Harbour-help


My husband and I are coming to Portland in June and staying at the new Fairfield Inn- using marriott points without breaking the bank. It%26#39;s new and actually looks cooler than I thought for a Fairfield Inn.

The marriott website said that it was within walking distance of a max transit center. Does anyone know where or a little more about it?

I would like to find out where we%26#39;ll be going so we can plan a bit. I like the idea of abandoning the car so that we can drink/stay out late and generally misbehave without worrying about driving.

Does this seem possible from our location? Also, is a transit station just a stop, like a regular train station? It looked like the trains ran every 15 minutes all the time.

Thanks, Lisa

max transit center near Fairfield Inn on North Harbour-help

Hi Lisa,

I cannot actually tell you how far the walk is the the transit stop near the Fairfield. While I am at Janzten Beach once a month, near this hotel, I have never paid attention to it.

I would recommend calling the hotel and asking them how close it is to MAX. The first real Transit Center is on N Interstate, which is not within walking distance if the hotel is on Hayden Island (Jantzen Beach) or just south of the ';island';. Come to think of it, I think it is the new property that just opened, which is not on the island itself, but just south of it.

That being said, you would need to take a car to the transit center on N Interstate....it is not within walking distance, if this is the location that I am thinking of.

max transit center near Fairfield Inn on North Harbour-help

Thanks, you are right about it being new. I%26#39;ll call and see how far of a walk it is.

Thanks for the advice.


The nearby MAX stop is %26#39;Expo Center%26#39; which is the end of the Yellow Line. While it is technically %26#39;within walking distance%26#39;, the walk is a pathway that cuts beneath Interstate 5 and is along a fairly desolate stretch of road; don%26#39;t know if this fits with your plans of late night car-free travels or not. Hope this link works, an aerial map of the route: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q%26amp;source=s_q%26amp;hl=en%26amp;geocode=%26amp;q=1200+North+Anchor+Way+97217%26amp;sll=37.09024,-95.625%26amp;sspn=25.704151,82.617188%26amp;ie=UTF8%26amp;ll=45.604956,-122.679563%26amp;spn=0.005524,0.02017%26amp;t=h%26amp;z=16%26amp;iwloc=0x5495a62897695781:0xa718813ca1d70321


Well, it didn%26#39;t link like I thought it would, but you can search %26#39;1200 N. Anchor Way 97217%26#39; and MAX Expo Center and see the proximity...

Well, I called the hotel today and found out about the station. It seemed like not such a great walk at night.

I booked a room on a buy 2 nights get one free deal through hotels.com. It worked out to 99$ a night. It%26#39;s the Nine%26#39;s downtown by Pioneer square and looks cool. We are going to skip a rental car for a few days.

We are hoping to get a car after our time in Portland. The plan is to drive down the coast and over to Bend ( I used to live there, can%26#39;t wait!) then up to Portland PDX again.

I lived in bend from 91 to 96 and haven%26#39;t been back to Bend since. Have not seen Portland since about 2000. I know my way around somewhat and can%26#39;t wait to show my husband Oregon. Any suggestions?

We are planning on going to the Saturday Market, Japanese Gardens, Rose test Gardens, An antique section of the city with hippo hardware, one of the popular pizza places, scholls(?) temporarily forgot the name or something artisan pizza. We like unique/off beat bars. Bar of the Gods sounds cool.

We are going to go to Cannon Beach, Ecola State Park, drive down the coast and spend one night before we head over to Bend for some biking and hiking.

If anyone has insider info on good live music venues, max tips, please let me know. I have gotten so much great info from trip advisor in the past and it can really set you up for a great trip.

Thanks, Lisa

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